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here i have put a collection of past, present and

hopefully future pieces of work.


Photography is something i love, it relaxes me 

and give me that outlet to show a piece of 

who i am. 


my collection in whole is a work in progress, im still 

learning and have a long way to go.


I am however loving the journey.


i am always keen to bump up my portfolio 

so please feel free to contact me.



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about me

A little about me and who I am, growing up I always liked the odds stuff no one else seemed to relate to. Which was fine by me, I enjoyed seeing the world through a somewhat different perspective. At school kids would be listening to Linkin Park and I would be excited because I got the Enya 2 for one this day give me Orinoco flow on a great set of headphones and my mind will drift off to somewhere interesting. Looking back it makes me laugh…. 

Movies like Death Becomes her, Pee-Wee's big adventure and Elvira mistress of the dark all influenced me, it was fun, unique and nothing like I had ever seen before…To this day they are my Top 3 Favorite movies. As you may be able to tell I don’t take things too seriously, the world today can be crazy and it can get to you if you let it. I always try to appreciate what I have and where I have come from. Sit me under a tree on a sunny day with some great people and my camera and in my happy place.

I've always appreciated the beautiful, weird and wonderful things in life, quirky speaks to me, we have conversations regularly. LOL - I love to try and work that into my photos, something, a lil dark, but still light, something bizarre but still makes sense, you see where I'm going here.

For as long as I can remember I have always loved media, photography, post-production and video editing. The thought of not only taking images but creating something unique excites me. Learning, I have self-taught myself everything I know…and continue to learn today. It relaxes me and it is where I am my most comfortable.

I decided I would embrace this interest after I was talked into having some shots done with my sister. This was prepaid for my nephew but as it turns this 6yrold knew it would be a disaster and refused to participate, leaving my sister a $1100 bill and no-one to shoot so we both stepped up and had photos done. To this day I had never experienced such a horrible process. After a month we went into the photography studio and picked up the photos…we opened them up and held back the lol’s to be polite….This was mainstream photography company with many franchise’s producing images that were cringe-worthy, to say the least. I looked like Ellen and my sister looked like she belonged on a Depends commercial. It couldn’t be further from who we are. To this day when I visit my mom with friends they are sure to pull out their phone to snap a photo of these images my mother proudly displays on her walls. It was at this point I thought I would love to be able to offer people something they could be proud of. A photo their kids would be excited to share “That’s my Mom/Dad/Aunt/Uncle/Sister/brother/ Friend….I'm grateful for that experience with my sister one day I may even share one of them photo…maybe.

This is just a small glimpse of who I am and where I have been, again I am grateful and happy with where I am in life and prefer using the creative side of my brain.

I am still learning and have a long way to go but I'm loving the ride, the moments and the chance to create something unique. 

Nice to meet you, thanks for stopping by


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